A poison is any substance harmful to the body. Dogs, being curious by nature,
tend to explore out-of-the-way places such as wood piles, weed thickets, and
storage areas. These environs put them into contact with insects, dead animals, toxic plants, and poison baits. It also means the exact cause of poisoning
will not be known in many cases.
Intentional, malicious poisoning is a factor to consider whenever a dog is
found dead without apparent cause. However, several studies have shown that
most cases of sudden death are caused by accidents and natural events. Malicious
poisoning does occur, but it is far less common than accidental poisoning.
General recommendations for the treatment of poisoning are discussed in
the next section. In the sections that follow, specific poisons are discussed in
the order in which they are most frequently seen by veterinarians.
If your dog ingests an unknown substance, it is important to determine
whether that substance is a poison. Most products have labels that list their
ingredients, but if the label doesn’t tell you the composition and toxicity of the
product, call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435
for specific information. The Poison Control Center has a staff of licensed veterinarians and board-certified toxicologists on call 24 hours a day, every day of
the year. You will be charged a consultation fee of $50 per case, which can be
charged to most major credit cards. There is no charge for follow-up calls in
critical cases. At your request, they will also contact your veterinarian. You can
also log onto www.aspca.org and click on “Animal Poison Control Center” for
more information, including a list of toxic and nontoxic plants.
Other poison control hotlines include the Angell Animal Poison Control
Hotline, operated by Angell Animal Medical Centers and the Massachusetts
SPCA (877-226-4355, www.smspca.org) and the Animal Poison Hotline,
operated by the North Shore Animal League and PROSAR International
Animal Poison Center at (888) 232-8870.
In some cases, you can call the emergency room at your local hospital, which
may be able to give you information about how to treat the poison. Specific antidotes are available for some poisons, but they cannot be administered unless the
poison is known, or at least suspected by the circumstances. Some product labels
have phone numbers you can call for safety information about their products.
When signs of poisoning develop, the most important consideration is to
get your dog to the nearest emergency veterinary facility at once. If possible,
find the poison and bring the container with you. This provides the emergency personnel with an immediate diagnosis and expedites treatment.
If the dog has ingested the substance recently, residual poison is often present in his stomach. An initial and most important step is to rid the dog’s
stomach of any remaining poison. The most effective way to empty the stomach is to pass a stomach tube, remove as much of the stomach contents as possible, and then wash the stomach out with large volumes of water. This must
be done by your veterinarian.
In many cases it is preferable to induce vomiting at the scene rather than
proceed directly to the veterinary hospital. For example, if you see the dog
swallow the poisonous substance, it is obviously best to make the dog vomit it
right back up. Similarly, if the poison was ingested within two hours but it will
take 30 minutes or longer to get to a veterinary facility, it is frequently advisable to induce vomiting at home. However:
DO NOT induce vomiting
• If the dog has already vomited
• If the dog is in a stupor, breathing with difficulty, or shows any sign of
neurologic involvement
• If the dog is unconscious or convulsing
• If the dog has swallowed an acid, alkali, cleaning solution, household
chemical, or petroleum product
• If the dog has swallowed a sharp object that could lodge in the esophagus or perforate the stomach
• If the label on the product says, “Do not induce vomiting.”
How to Induce Vomiting and Prevent Poison Absorption
Induce vomiting by giving the dog hydrogen peroxide. A 3 percent solution is
most effective. Give 1 teaspoon (5 ml) per 10 pounds (4.5 kg) body weight of
the dog. Repeat every 15 to 20 minutes, up to three times, until the dog vomits. Walking the dog after giving each dose may help to stimulate vomiting.
Syrup of ipecac has been recommended in the past, but hydrogen peroxide
is a better choice for dogs. Syrup of ipecac (not ipecac fluid extract, which is
14 times stronger) is only 50 percent effective and can be dangerous to dogs.
It should not be used to induce vomiting unless specifically advised by your veterinarian. The dose is .5 to 1 ml per pound (.45 kg) of body weight, with a maximum
dose of 15 ml (1 tablespoon). Repeat in 20 minutes (once only) if the dog
does not vomit.
Once the poison has been cleared from the dog’s stomach, give him activated charcoal to bind any remaining poison and prevent further absorption.
The most effective and easily administered home oral charcoal product is
compressed activated charcoal, which comes in 5-gram tablets (recommended for the Home Emergency Medical Kit). The dose is one tablet per 10
pounds (4.5 kg) of body weight. Products that come in a liquid or as a powder
made into a slurry are extremely difficult to administer at home with a syringe
or medicine bottle. The slurry is dense and gooey, and few dogs will swallow it
voluntarily. These products are best administered by stomach tube. This is
routinely done by your veterinarian after flushing out the stomach.
If activated charcoal is not available, coat the intestines with milk and egg
whites using 1⁄4 cup (60 ml) egg whites and 1⁄4 cup milk per 10 pounds (4.5 kg)
of body weight. Administer into the dog’s cheek pouch using a plastic syringe
(see How to Give Medications, page 567).
Intensive care in a veterinary hospital improves the survival rate for dogs
who have been poisoned. Intravenous fluids support circulation, treat shock,
and protect the kidneys. A large urine output assists in eliminating the poison. Corticosteroids may be given for their anti-inflammatory effects. A dog
in a coma may benefit from tracheal intubation and artificial ventilation during the acute phase of respiratory depression.
Seizures caused by poisons are associated with prolonged periods of hypoxia
and the potential for brain damage. Continuous or recurrent seizures are controlled with intravenous diazepam (Valium) or barbiturates, which must be
administered by a veterinarian.
Note that seizures caused by strychnine and other central nervous system
poisons may be mistaken for epilepsy. This could be a problem, because immediate veterinary attention is needed in cases of poisoning, but not for most
epileptic seizures. Seizures caused by poisoning usually are continuous or recur
within minutes. Between seizures the dog may exhibit tremors, lack of coordination, weakness, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. In contrast, most epileptic
seizures are brief, seldom lasting more than two minutes, and are followed by
a quiet period in which the dog appears dazed but otherwise normal. If your
dog is having a seizure, see the treatment section under Epilepsy, page 369.
If your dog’s coat or skin comes in contact with a poisonous substance or toxic
chemical, flush the site with large amounts of water for 30 minutes. Wear rubber or plastic gloves and give the dog a complete bath in lukewarm water.
Even if the substance is not irritating to the skin, it must be removed.
Otherwise the dog may lick it off and swallow it.
Unintentional overdose with veterinary medications and accidental ingestion
of both human and veterinary pills are the most common causes of poisoning
in pets. Veterinary products, in particular, are often flavored to encourage a
dog to take them, and will be eagerly consumed if they are discovered.
Many people give over-the-counter medications to their dogs without veterinary approval, to treat a variety of symptoms; they believe that what works
for people works for dogs. Unfortunately, this is not correct. Drugs given to
dogs in human dosages are often toxic—and some human drugs cannot be
given to dogs in any amount.
Common pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil) and acetaminophen
(Tylenol) are a particular problem. Dogs and cats do not have the necessary
enzymes to detoxify and eliminate these drugs. This can lead to the accumulation of dangerous substances in the animal that are left behind when the
drugs are metabolized. As few as two Tylenol tablets can produce severe organ
damage in a medium-size dog. Symptoms develop quickly and include abdominal pain, salivation, vomiting, and weakness.
Other human drugs that produce a variety of toxic effects and are commonly involved in accidental poisonings include antihistamines, sleeping
pills, diet pills, heart pill, blood pressure pills, and vitamins.
Treatment: If you suspect your pet has swallowed any drug, immediately
induce vomiting. Call your veterinarian for further instructions. A specific
antidote may be available for the drug in question.
Prevention: Accidental poisoning can be prevented by always consulting
your veterinarian before administering any medication. Follow instructions
exactly for frequency and dosage. Store all drugs in a secure place to prevent
inadvertent consumption by pets and children. Never assume that a human
drug is safe for pets!
Common rat and mouse poisons include anticoagulants and hypercalcemic
agents. Both can be deadly if your dog ingests them.
Anticoagulant rat and mouse poisons are the most commonly used household
poisons. These products account for a large number of accidental poisonings in
dogs and cats. Anticoagulants block the synthesis of vitamin K, essential for
normal blood clotting. Vitamin K deficiency results in spontaneous bleeding.
Observable signs of poisoning do not occur until several days after exposure. The dog may become weak and pale from blood loss, have nose bleeds,
vomit blood, have rectal bleeding, develop hematomas and bruises beneath
the skin, or have hemorrhages beneath the gums. The dog may be found dead
from bleeding into the chest or abdomen.
There are two generations of anticoagulants, both in current use. The first
generation are cumulative poisons that require multiple feedings over several
days to kill the rodent. These poisons contain the anticoagulants warfarin and
Second-generation anticoagulants contain bromadiolone and brodifacoum, poisons that are 50 to 200 times more toxic than warfarin and hydroxycoumadin. These products are more dangerous to pets and are capable of
killing rodents after a single feeding. It is even possible for a small dog to be
poisoned by eating a dead rodent with residual poison in its stomach.
Closely related to the second-generation anticoagulants are the longacting anticoagulants of the indanedione class (pindone, diphacinone,
diphenadione, and chlorphacinone). These products are extremely toxic.
Treatment: Seek immediate veterinary help. If at all possible, bring in the
product container so the veterinarian can identify the poison. This is important because treatment depends on whether the poison was a first- or secondEMERGENCIES • 27
generation anticoagulant. With observed or suspected recent ingestion,
induce vomiting (see page 25).
Treatment of spontaneous bleeding caused by all anticoagulants involves
administering fresh whole blood or frozen plasma in amounts determined by the
rate and volume of blood loss. Vitamin K
l is a specific antidote. It is given by
subcutaneous injection and repeated subcutaneously or orally as necessary until
clotting time returns to normal. With first-generation anticoagulants, this often
occurs within a week. With long-acting anticoagulants, treatment takes up to a
month because of the length of time the poison remains in the dog’s system.
Hypercalcemic Agents
Hypercalcemic agents are poisons that contain vitamin D (cholecalciferol) as
their effective agent. Cholecalciferol poisons work by raising the calcium content in blood serum to toxic levels, eventually producing cardiac arrhythmias
and death. They are becoming increasingly popular because rodents do not
develop resistance to them and, with the rare exception of a puppy or small
dog, dogs who eat poisoned rodents will not develop toxicity. In virtually all
cases, the dog must eat the poison itself to become ill.
In dogs, signs of hypercalcemia appear 18 to 36 hours after ingesting the
poison. They include thirst and frequent urination, vomiting, generalized
A poison is any substance harmful to the body. Dogs, being curious by nature,
tend to explore out-of-the-way places such as wood piles, weed thickets, and
storage areas. These environs put them into contact with insects, dead animals, toxic plants, and poison baits. It also means the exact cause of poisoning
will not be known in many cases.
Intentional, malicious poisoning is a factor to consider whenever a dog is
found dead without apparent cause. However, several studies have shown that
most cases of sudden death are caused by accidents and natural events. Malicious
poisoning does occur, but it is far less common than accidental poisoning.
General recommendations for the treatment of poisoning are discussed in
the next section. In the sections that follow, specific poisons are discussed in
the order in which they are most frequently seen by veterinarians.
If your dog ingests an unknown substance, it is important to determine
whether that substance is a poison. Most products have labels that list their
ingredients, but if the label doesn’t tell you the composition and toxicity of the
product, call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435
for specific information. The Poison Control Center has a staff of licensed veterinarians and board-certified toxicologists on call 24 hours a day, every day of
the year. You will be charged a consultation fee of $50 per case, which can be
charged to most major credit cards. There is no charge for follow-up calls in
critical cases. At your request, they will also contact your veterinarian. You can
also log onto www.aspca.org and click on “Animal Poison Control Center” for
more information, including a list of toxic and nontoxic plants.
Other poison control hotlines include the Angell Animal Poison Control
Hotline, operated by Angell Animal Medical Centers and the Massachusetts
SPCA (877-226-4355, www.smspca.org) and the Animal Poison Hotline,
operated by the North Shore Animal League and PROSAR International
Animal Poison Center at (888) 232-8870.
In some cases, you can call the emergency room at your local hospital, which
may be able to give you information about how to treat the poison. Specific antidotes are available for some poisons, but they cannot be administered unless the
poison is known, or at least suspected by the circumstances. Some product labels
have phone numbers you can call for safety information about their products.
When signs of poisoning develop, the most important consideration is to
get your dog to the nearest emergency veterinary facility at once. If possible,
find the poison and bring the container with you. This provides the emergency personnel with an immediate diagnosis and expedites treatment.
If the dog has ingested the substance recently, residual poison is often present in his stomach. An initial and most important step is to rid the dog’s
stomach of any remaining poison. The most effective way to empty the stomach is to pass a stomach tube, remove as much of the stomach contents as possible, and then wash the stomach out with large volumes of water. This must
be done by your veterinarian.
In many cases it is preferable to induce vomiting at the scene rather than
proceed directly to the veterinary hospital. For example, if you see the dog
swallow the poisonous substance, it is obviously best to make the dog vomit it
right back up. Similarly, if the poison was ingested within two hours but it will
take 30 minutes or longer to get to a veterinary facility, it is frequently advisable to induce vomiting at home. However:
DO NOT induce vomiting
• If the dog has already vomited
• If the dog is in a stupor, breathing with difficulty, or shows any sign of
neurologic involvement
• If the dog is unconscious or convulsing
• If the dog has swallowed an acid, alkali, cleaning solution, household
chemical, or petroleum product
• If the dog has swallowed a sharp object that could lodge in the esophagus or perforate the stomach
• If the label on the product says, “Do not induce vomiting.”
How to Induce Vomiting and Prevent Poison Absorption
Induce vomiting by giving the dog hydrogen peroxide. A 3 percent solution is
most effective. Give 1 teaspoon (5 ml) per 10 pounds (4.5 kg) body weight of
the dog. Repeat every 15 to 20 minutes, up to three times, until the dog vomits. Walking the dog after giving each dose may help to stimulate vomiting.
Syrup of ipecac has been recommended in the past, but hydrogen peroxide
is a better choice for dogs. Syrup of ipecac (not ipecac fluid extract, which is
14 times stronger) is only 50 percent effective and can be dangerous to dogs.
It should not be used to induce vomiting unless specifically advised by your veterinarian. The dose is .5 to 1 ml per pound (.45 kg) of body weight, with a maximum
dose of 15 ml (1 tablespoon). Repeat in 20 minutes (once only) if the dog
does not vomit.
Once the poison has been cleared from the dog’s stomach, give him activated charcoal to bind any remaining poison and prevent further absorption.
The most effective and easily administered home oral charcoal product is
compressed activated charcoal, which comes in 5-gram tablets (recommended for the Home Emergency Medical Kit). The dose is one tablet per 10
pounds (4.5 kg) of body weight. Products that come in a liquid or as a powder
made into a slurry are extremely difficult to administer at home with a syringe
or medicine bottle. The slurry is dense and gooey, and few dogs will swallow it
voluntarily. These products are best administered by stomach tube. This is
routinely done by your veterinarian after flushing out the stomach.
If activated charcoal is not available, coat the intestines with milk and egg
whites using 1⁄4 cup (60 ml) egg whites and 1⁄4 cup milk per 10 pounds (4.5 kg)
of body weight. Administer into the dog’s cheek pouch using a plastic syringe
(see How to Give Medications, page 567).
Intensive care in a veterinary hospital improves the survival rate for dogs
who have been poisoned. Intravenous fluids support circulation, treat shock,
and protect the kidneys. A large urine output assists in eliminating the poison. Corticosteroids may be given for their anti-inflammatory effects. A dog
in a coma may benefit from tracheal intubation and artificial ventilation during the acute phase of respiratory depression.
Seizures caused by poisons are associated with prolonged periods of hypoxia
and the potential for brain damage. Continuous or recurrent seizures are controlled with intravenous diazepam (Valium) or barbiturates, which must be
administered by a veterinarian.
Note that seizures caused by strychnine and other central nervous system
poisons may be mistaken for epilepsy. This could be a problem, because immediate veterinary attention is needed in cases of poisoning, but not for most
epileptic seizures. Seizures caused by poisoning usually are continuous or recur
within minutes. Between seizures the dog may exhibit tremors, lack of coordination, weakness, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. In contrast, most epileptic
seizures are brief, seldom lasting more than two minutes, and are followed by
a quiet period in which the dog appears dazed but otherwise normal. If your
dog is having a seizure, see the treatment section under Epilepsy, page 369.
If your dog’s coat or skin comes in contact with a poisonous substance or toxic
chemical, flush the site with large amounts of water for 30 minutes. Wear rubber or plastic gloves and give the dog a complete bath in lukewarm water.
Even if the substance is not irritating to the skin, it must be removed.
Otherwise the dog may lick it off and swallow it.
Unintentional overdose with veterinary medications and accidental ingestion
of both human and veterinary pills are the most common causes of poisoning
in pets. Veterinary products, in particular, are often flavored to encourage a
dog to take them, and will be eagerly consumed if they are discovered.
Many people give over-the-counter medications to their dogs without veterinary approval, to treat a variety of symptoms; they believe that what works
for people works for dogs. Unfortunately, this is not correct. Drugs given to
dogs in human dosages are often toxic—and some human drugs cannot be
given to dogs in any amount.
Common pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil) and acetaminophen
(Tylenol) are a particular problem. Dogs and cats do not have the necessary
enzymes to detoxify and eliminate these drugs. This can lead to the accumulation of dangerous substances in the animal that are left behind when the
drugs are metabolized. As few as two Tylenol tablets can produce severe organ
damage in a medium-size dog. Symptoms develop quickly and include abdominal pain, salivation, vomiting, and weakness.
Other human drugs that produce a variety of toxic effects and are commonly involved in accidental poisonings include antihistamines, sleeping
pills, diet pills, heart pill, blood pressure pills, and vitamins.
Treatment: If you suspect your pet has swallowed any drug, immediately
induce vomiting. Call your veterinarian for further instructions. A specific
antidote may be available for the drug in question.
Prevention: Accidental poisoning can be prevented by always consulting
your veterinarian before administering any medication. Follow instructions
exactly for frequency and dosage. Store all drugs in a secure place to prevent
inadvertent consumption by pets and children. Never assume that a human
drug is safe for pets!
Common rat and mouse poisons include anticoagulants and hypercalcemic
agents. Both can be deadly if your dog ingests them.
Anticoagulant rat and mouse poisons are the most commonly used household
poisons. These products account for a large number of accidental poisonings in
dogs and cats. Anticoagulants block the synthesis of vitamin K, essential for
normal blood clotting. Vitamin K deficiency results in spontaneous bleeding.
Observable signs of poisoning do not occur until several days after exposure. The dog may become weak and pale from blood loss, have nose bleeds,
vomit blood, have rectal bleeding, develop hematomas and bruises beneath
the skin, or have hemorrhages beneath the gums. The dog may be found dead
from bleeding into the chest or abdomen.
There are two generations of anticoagulants, both in current use. The first
generation are cumulative poisons that require multiple feedings over several
days to kill the rodent. These poisons contain the anticoagulants warfarin and
Second-generation anticoagulants contain bromadiolone and brodifacoum, poisons that are 50 to 200 times more toxic than warfarin and hydroxycoumadin. These products are more dangerous to pets and are capable of
killing rodents after a single feeding. It is even possible for a small dog to be
poisoned by eating a dead rodent with residual poison in its stomach.
Closely related to the second-generation anticoagulants are the longacting anticoagulants of the indanedione class (pindone, diphacinone,
diphenadione, and chlorphacinone). These products are extremely toxic.
Treatment: Seek immediate veterinary help. If at all possible, bring in the
product container so the veterinarian can identify the poison. This is important because treatment depends on whether the poison was a first- or secondEMERGENCIES • 27
generation anticoagulant. With observed or suspected recent ingestion,
induce vomiting (see page 25).
Treatment of spontaneous bleeding caused by all anticoagulants involves
administering fresh whole blood or frozen plasma in amounts determined by the
rate and volume of blood loss. Vitamin K
l is a specific antidote. It is given by
subcutaneous injection and repeated subcutaneously or orally as necessary until
clotting time returns to normal. With first-generation anticoagulants, this often
occurs within a week. With long-acting anticoagulants, treatment takes up to a
month because of the length of time the poison remains in the dog’s system.
Hypercalcemic Agents
Hypercalcemic agents are poisons that contain vitamin D (cholecalciferol) as
their effective agent. Cholecalciferol poisons work by raising the calcium content in blood serum to toxic levels, eventually producing cardiac arrhythmias
and death. They are becoming increasingly popular because rodents do not
develop resistance to them and, with the rare exception of a puppy or small
dog, dogs who eat poisoned rodents will not develop toxicity. In virtually all
cases, the dog must eat the poison itself to become ill.
In dogs, signs of hypercalcemia appear 18 to 36 hours after ingesting the
poison. They include thirst and frequent urination, vomiting, generalized